Friday, August 30, 2013

Surgery is scheduled

September 10th, 2013. 4:15 in the afternoon. OMFG D:

I am terrified. I have no idea what I am in store for, but in less than two weeks, I will have a metal plate in my knee, and be even less able to walk than I currently am.  I am putting together a pre-op todo list for myself, and sharing the Q&A session I had with the Dr's assistant.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What is wrong with me?

[Disclaimer] I'm going to try blogging about my knee misadventures as a way of:

  • Letting friends and family know what's going on with my surgery and recovery
  • Venting about my pain and frustrations
  • Keeping tabs on what is happening, so I can explain it to doctors in the future, should knee problems arise again after this ordeal is over.
  • Trying to make sense of what is happening or about to happen.  It's all terribly confusing, and the best way to fully understand something is to teach, right? :)